Dr. Rhonda,
This is Mary from Camp and I just wanted to tell you thank you for taking the time to talk to me. It means so much when a complete stranger will talk to you. Well I also wanted to tell you the night I got back was hard. My friends and I went to a club but I did not drink, I talked to my friends about it and they said that they would not drink in front of me or try getting me to drink. So I was glad that I got that off my chest. Thanks for your advice.
Category: Testimonials
These are testimonials from people that have met Dr. Rhonda.
Dr. Rhonda:
I just wanted to email you and tell you thanks for coming to SYC this year. I loved listening to you speak, but I especially liked your Small Groups thing.
I was hurting when I went to that, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to ask my question or not. I’m really shy, and my problem has brought me so much attention in the past few months, I didn’t want any more. Then that youth leader asked someone to explain to her the whole thing behind cutting. Why people do it. I kind of took that as my sign to speak up.
I’m the girl that spoke up, and shared her story about being a cutter. It was extremely hard for me to do, because I lied a little bit. I said it’d been about 7-8 months since I did it, when in reality, it’s been 3. I really wanted help, and talking about it, and having you pray for me, I’m doing a lot better then I have in a long time.
I really just wanted to email you and thank you. If you want to, you can email me back, but I just wanted to tell you this.
Hello Dr. Rhonda!
How are you doing? I just wanted to e-mail you and tell you something about state youth convention. First of all, it was pretty much amazing and I got a lot from it. When you said that teens shouldn’t listen to rap music and that we should listen to more Christian-type music-and then you said that it’s not a good excuse to say oh I don’t like the lyrics but I like the beat…that made me laugh a little, because I’ve said that a few times. It was really weird that you mentioned it. But…I just wanted to share with you that one of the first things I did when I finally got home was to get all of my cd’s with rap on them and put them up. You’re right. The lyrics are horrible. The next word flying all around and all of the swearing-it’s messed up. I am from a small town called it Haca…and I’m a junior-soon to be senior. 😀 that’s also a very weird feeling.
This past weekend was amazing because my youth group bonded so much and we learned that all of us have the same problems going on in our lives. It was very powerful. And I loved the dancers on Sunday morning. Where are they from again? I just thought that I would share with you the thing about my music. And I’ve got a question…what is your opinion about burnt cd’s? Do you think it is wrong? Thank you Dr. Rhonda. God bless you. Have a good week.
Hello Dr. Rhonda,
I’m Dezaray, and I was at Michigan State Youth Convention this last weekend in Michigan. It was so much fun. You were amazing on our last evening service when you asked the teens who wanted Christ in their lives. I was one of them and I began to cry. Then my youth leader came up to me and asked me what I was waiting for? I went upstairs, prayed, and I became a Christian again. It was so hard for me to become one again because I was a cutter for so long, and I just learned how to stop about a few months ago. I hurt my family and friends so bad but you were amazing and wonderful. I hope you come back to Michigan soon and speak the wonders of God. Go to the ones who don’t know him. ~God bless

Dear Dr. Rhonda,
HI!! My name is Mariah Strait and I am from Michigan and was at the “Extreme Makeover: Life Edition” and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were so encouraging and uplifting and you helped me a WHOLE bunch to choose to start a relationship with God and to start living a better life. On Saturday you gave your services and I cried and cried because I knew I was living the wrong life. I was being a liar a cheater a stealer a gossiper and everything else you said so when you said to go and talk to the counselors if we needed to be saved I did and so did my cousin. We cried because we were both just playing church. We went there thinking it was a way to get away from home. We came back and had started a whole NEW life with God and Jesus by our sides. And for that, we would like to thank YOU and the rest of the people that helped us realize without God in our life there is no hope of a happy life. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING!! I have already changed my music choices my language and I have apologized to my parents. You say “GOD IS GOOD” I say “ALL BY HIMSELF!”